Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Obstructions for Translation Profession

2.1.The Obstructions for Translation Profession
English competence is as universal language and international communication, we know that in life, we need English role. Because of it, in globalization and modernization era, we should have a good English competence. Because if we have it so that our life in the future will be better.But, in learning English usually will get many obstructions.According to Mrs. Mutiara, there are several obstructions causing someone who has not been perfect in speaking English.
           2.6.1    There aren’t Purpose and Wish to Learn
We know that purpose is the thing that must be had by someone for getting something we want. If someone only want, but there is not wish and purpose so that the result will not be maximal even it will not be happened.Because of it, many people who are fail in learning English because their purpose is not sincere. So, the result is not perfect.
           2.6.2    Do not Have Self-confidence
It is also as the main problem that can obstruct someone to learn English. They do not have self-confidence and always think about their mistake, so that it makes them feeling inferior and bored with English learning, because they assume to study English is difficult and bored.
           2.6.3    Lazyand Boredom
Many people assume that to study English is difficult so that it makes them lazy and bored. In the effect, they also will be lazy to learn English again. It to be a problem has not been found the solution to solve it. Because we know, laziness and boredom appear from ourselves so that who can solve this problem are us.
           2.6.4    Underestimate Something
For this one problem, we often find people who are very arrogant. Usually the people like them will be satisfied easily if had gotten something they want. Whereas we know in learning of English that must be gradual and continued so that the language quality is better.

The Prospects for Translation Profession

2.1.The Prospects for Translation Profession
Translator proffesion is supposedly synonymous with intellectual professions which are sometimes associated with a higher education level. Really like that?, too bad if the old byword still held. Though this profession is very promising as a career or business. According to Mr. Wiyanto Suroso at HPI for a career as an interpreter that we don’t need a specific license or certification. As a translator, skill is required. Not an education degree or TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) or if it had been living abroad for some time. That skill evidence is in the translation result. If it had lived abroad but the translation result is bad, that’s right that it can’t be translator. Conversely, though we learn the language self-taught, for example, provided that translation result is good, of course client or publisher will be happy to give orders to us. There are many prospects for translation profession.
           2.7.1    Education Sector
In the education sector we can choose to be instructor, teacher, tutor, mentor, instructor, trainer or consultant in education and training organization., for example school, course, and the organization of study guidance. If you had no degree or you are studying, constantly it had had skill in English that can open extracurricular tutorial lesson, study guidance in English.  If we had had degree, so our opportunity will be more opened as a teacher at formal institution.
           2.7.2    Tourism Sector
For who likes traveling to know many places either in Indonesia or the world, so we can choose a profession as tour guide. So, certainlywe need English ability as the basic of communication to guide tourists. We will get as base communication to us in guiding tourists. We will get two advantages including concept about interesting place in the world that becomes increasing and certainly our ultimate will increase immediately.

           2.7.3    Translator and Interpreter
Prospect in translation sector is very promising although for becoming  translator and interpreter hard. We need high experience so that it is paid more expensive. We should to take interpreting course, workshop, and training to add our knowledge about translation sector. We don’t be worriedwith our future, because many prospects and opportunities such as to translate student tasks, request from private companies, request from goverment project. Moreover, maybe we can get work from international institutions, if we were known and dependable.
           2.7.4    Author (online & offline)
Author profession for English sector also will get many bids, especially in online era, many works to write an article for one page then  itis posted on the website of clients. We can access on the sites, outsource online is very domminant with writing of article with its cost is very expensive. The bid of language article on the internet is not only from Indonesia, but also from around the world. We can access the site like freelancer.co.id (the bigger of outsource market in the world), fiverr.com, and hundreds like them either local or international that bid online work.
           2.7.5    Work at Multinational Companies, Foreign Department, Hotel Business, and Airline
If we worked at prestigious companies, whatever our position, so the requirement of English skill is much needed.  Please read job opportunities on the newspaper, is there the requirement to have English skill. We certainly will find it, moreover it is writtenin English.

Contoh Pendahuluan dan Abstrak pada laporan ppl


raise be to Allah SWT, the Loard of all creatures and the gracious whom gave his mercy to the authors, so that the authors could finish this report with the topic Job Training at “HPI”: Challenges, Obstructions,                                          and Prospects For Translation Profession on-timely. This reportis                                                                                                           submitted for complete Job Training in finishing Diploma 3 ofEnglish Department,with Mrs. IkaYatmikasari, S.S.,M.Pd. as supervisor and Mr. UdayaniPermanaludin, S.S., M.Pd. as the chairman of diploma 3 English Department. The information that is presented on this report is obtained from the presenters, Mr. WiyantoSuroso and Mrs. Mutiara at the “HPI” (Association of Indonesian Translators) and the other references. The authors would like to thank you so much to all parties who helped and supported in finishing this report, especially to the head of English Department, supervisor, and the head of HPI, Mr. HanantoSudharto. The authors are conscious that this report still has not perfect. Because of it, for perfection of this repot, the authors hope critic and suggestion readers. Finally, may this report can be useful for all readers and accepted well as the requirement of job training.

Bandung, October 01, 2016



ALDIet al:“Job Training at “HPI”: Challenges, Obstructions,                                          And Prospectsfor Translation Profession”
Translation is transferring massage and meaning from Source Language (SL) into Target Language (TL). Job Training is an activity done by student in university. This activity is a process which is organized for increasing skills, knowledge, custom in occupation, and the character of student to take on carrier in the future.The Association of Indonesian Translators (HPI) is an organization or association for translators or interpreters in Indonesia.There are two professions of translators who have the challenges each itself. The first, freelance translator is the translators working independently or individually, they usually promote on website or social media. Bid for tariff themselves that is adjusted whether the document is easy to translate or not as well as free-time of work. The last, fulltime translator is a translator who works at formal language institution. They have special online schedule that has been agreed and do not be late in filling attendance taking if they don’t want to be dismissed.Many prospects for translation profession such as at education sector, tourism sector, become translator or interpreter, author, etc. But translation profession also has many challenges and obstruction. The challenge likes time, tariff, and grade. As well as obstruction likes do not have self-confidence, lazy, etc.
Key Words: Translation, Translator, HPI, Job Training, Challenge, Obstruction, and Prospect.

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