Friday, April 21, 2017

The Cantonese language

The Cantonese language 
Cantonese is named after the city of Canton (known as Guangzhou in Mandarin), the capital of Guangdong province in southern China. Apart from the provinces of Guangdong and Guangxi, it is spoken in neighbouring Hong Kong and Macau, and also in Chinese communities overseas where it is often the predominant form of Chinese. Both in southern China and in Singapore and Malaysia, where it is widely spoken, it enjoys considerable prestige due to its association with the prosperous southern provinces as well as with the Cantonese culture of films and popular music (‘Canto-pop’). It is also widely heard in cities such as Toronto and Vancouver in Canada, Sydney in Australia, New York and San Francisco in the USA. Cantonese will continue to be spoken widely around the Pacific Rim in the twenty-first century. Cantonese is generally regarded, even by its own speakers, as a dialect of Chinese. This tends to imply, misleadingly, that it differs from standard Chinese (Mandarin or Putonghua ‘common speech’) largely in pronunciation, with some differences in vocabulary and relatively few in grammar. The grammatical differences are often underestimated, and it is dangerous to assume that the same Chinese grammar (essentially that of Mandarin) can be applied straightforwardly to Cantonese. In fact Cantonese has its own fully-fledged grammatical system, largely independent of Mandarin grammar. Indeed the Chinese ‘dialects’ vary in
grammar, as they do in other respects, as much as the various Romance languages such as French, Spanish and Italian. Moreover, the dialects of southern China, which include Cantonese and Taiwanese, are especially distinctive and diverse. Naturally, some knowledge of Mandarin can be helpful in learning Cantonese, but one cannot assume that it is simply a matter of learning a new pronunciation for the same language, or a new set of vocabulary to go with the same grammar. Hence to learn Cantonese effectively one needs to pay attention to its grammar. Cantonese grammar Readers should be aware that the concept of ‘grammar’ used here is essentially that of contemporary linguistics, which is descriptive in approach, rather than that of traditional school grammar with its prescriptive concern for what is ‘good’ or ‘correct’. The descriptive approach aims to capture the patterns of language as they are actually used by native speakers, without imposing value judgements on particular grammatical forms. Speakers of Cantonese are often puzzled by the idea of Cantonese, as a ‘dialect’, having its own grammar. Perhaps the simplest way to demonstrate that it does is to consider examples of ‘Cantonese’ as spoken by foreign learners, such as the following: *Ngóh f&an *kkéi chìh d( *Kéuih móuh heui-jó I’ll go home later He didn’t go These two sentences are unacceptable to a native speaker (the asterisk * marks them as ungrammatical), the first because in Cantonese adverbs of time such as chìh d( meaning ‘later’ come before the verb, not after as in English, and the second because the suffix -jó indicating completion is incompatible with most types of negative sentence. These explanations, simply put, are rules of grammar (the precise details are, of course, more complicated). By grammar, then, we mean the rules or principles governing the structure of sentences. The kind of grammar to be learnt in mastering Cantonese, however, is not like that of Latin or Spanish where the forms of words—noun declensions, verb conjugations and the like—call for study. Instead, the more important questions are those of syntax: the order and patterns in which words are put together to form sentences. Sometimes Cantonese syntax resembles English: leng s&am taai loih gwa héi ngóh s(k kéuih pretty clothes too long hang up I know him
grammar, as they do in other respects, as much as the various Romance languages such as French, Spanish and Italian. Moreover, the dialects of southern China, which include Cantonese and Taiwanese, are especially distinctive and diverse. Naturally, some knowledge of Mandarin can be helpful in learning Cantonese, but one cannot assume that it is simply a matter of learning a new pronunciation for the same language, or a new set of vocabulary to go with the same grammar. Hence to learn Cantonese effectively one needs to pay attention to its grammar. Cantonese grammar Readers should be aware that the concept of ‘grammar’ used here is essentially that of contemporary linguistics, which is descriptive in approach, rather than that of traditional school grammar with its prescriptive concern for what is ‘good’ or ‘correct’. The descriptive approach aims to capture the patterns of language as they are actually used by native speakers, without imposing value judgements on particular grammatical forms. Speakers of Cantonese are often puzzled by the idea of Cantonese, as a ‘dialect’, having its own grammar. Perhaps the simplest way to demonstrate that it does is to consider examples of ‘Cantonese’ as spoken by foreign learners, such as the following: *Ngóh f&an *kkéi chìh d( *Kéuih móuh heui-jó I’ll go home later He didn’t go These two sentences are unacceptable to a native speaker (the asterisk * marks them as ungrammatical), the first because in Cantonese adverbs of time such as chìh d( meaning ‘later’ come before the verb, not after as in English, and the second because the suffix -jó indicating completion is incompatible with most types of negative sentence. These explanations, simply put, are rules of grammar (the precise details are, of course, more complicated). By grammar, then, we mean the rules or principles governing the structure of sentences. The kind of grammar to be learnt in mastering Cantonese, however, is not like that of Latin or Spanish where the forms of words—noun declensions, verb conjugations and the like—call for study. Instead, the more important questions are those of syntax: the order and patterns in which words are put together to form sentences. Sometimes Cantonese syntax resembles English: leng s&am taai loih gwa héi ngóh s(k kéuih pretty clothes too long hang up I know him
modifications introduced in our Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar). This system has proved effective for learners and is used in most language courses, textbooks, dictionaries and glossaries. The main disadvantage of the Yale system is that most native speakers are unfamiliar with it, and therefore find it quite difficult to read: it should be considered merely as an aid to learning the spoken language. Pronunciation Beyond grammar, one of the main difficulties of Cantonese is posed by its pronunciation, and tones in particular. For this reason, the first three chapters are devoted to establishing and reinforcing the main features of Cantonese pronunciation. Learners who do not have access to native speakers or Cantonese media should be sure to acquire some tapes or other audiovisual materials in order to practise recognition and production of tones. Exercises The exercises in this book are intended to be communicatively useful tasks, rather than the mechanical rote practice of some past grammars. The emphasis is placed on expressing ideas and, to give them a more authentic feel, some are situated in a real-life context: ordering dishes in a restaurant, asking for directions, and the like. Because many of the exercises are openended, they naturally allow more than one answer: the suggested answers given in the key by no means represent the only options. Learners with access to native speakers may benefit from reading out their own answers to them and eliciting alternatives. More demanding exercises, which may require additional knowledge or reference to other units, are marked with a dagger (†). Further practice Few learners will be satisfied with armchair knowledge of the language: to put grammatical knowledge to practical use, exposure to Cantonese media and practice with native speakers will be needed. This book aims to provide a firm foundation on which to build proficiency. Using the minimum of terminology, it should provide just enough grammatical apparatus for the teacher and learner to devise further practice activities of their own. Readers graduating from this book will also be able to progress to Intermediate Cantonese which takes them into new and more challenging territory

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Contoh pendahuluan pada Penelitian

Analisisterjemahanpada film “Madagaskar 3”
Oleh : FAUJI IMAMUL ARIFIN (3145040028)

1.1            LatarBelakang
Terjemahandapatdipahamisebagaisebuah proses penyampaianpesandalamsumberbahasatertentu yang ditransformasikankedalambahasalain agar dapatdipahamiolehparapembaca yang memahamibahasa target yang penerjemahinginkan.MenurutCatford (1969) Penerjemahanadalah “the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language” (penggunaanbahasateksdalambahasasumberdenganbahasateks yang sepadandalambahasasasaran)
Terkadang orang menghadapikesulitandalammemahamiisiataumakna film-film barat yang menggunakanbahasaInggris.Dengandemikianpenerjemahansangatdiperlukanuntukpembuatanteksterjemahan (subtitle) film.Terjemahanbiasanyadigunakanuntukmentransferteksbahasasumbertertulisataulisankedalamtekssetara target secaratertulisataupunbahasasecaralisan. Secaraumumtujuanpenerjemahanadalahuntukmemproduksiberbagaijenisteks, termasuk agama, tekssastra, ilmiahdanteksfilosofis. Singkatnya, prosesmembuatteksterjemahan (subtitling) adalahjenisterjemahan film yang membantupenontonuntukmemahami film. Hal inididukungolehGambier yang mengatakanbahwa:
“Subtitling is one of two possible methods for providing the translation of a movie dilaogue, where the original dialogue soundtrack is left in place and the translation is printed along the bottom of the film (1993: 276).”
Dengan kata lain subtitling adalahterjemahan dialog film yang di tuliskandi bagianbawahpada film tersebut. Sepertihalnyasulihsuara, tujuan „subtitling‟ adalahmembantupemirsauntukmenikmatisebuah film, apakahitu film dokumenterataucerita, drama, aksi, dan lain-lain.Pakar lain, Betty White, mengatakan

subtitling is the translation ofthe spoken language (source language) of a television program or film into target language.The translated text usually appears in two lines at the bottom of the screen”(file:///G:/subtitling/eotvsection.php.htm updated./04/01/2011).

Meskipunteksterjemahan (subtitle) padaumumnyaterdapatdalamsebuah film, proses membuatteksterjemahan (subtitling) belumbanyakditelitidenganbaik.Olehkarenaitu, penelitianinidimaksudkanuntukmenelitisejauhmanaterjemahandalam subtitle film “Madagaskar 3” sudahmemenuhikriteriadarisuatuterjemahan yang baik, terutamatentangprosedur yang digunakandalam subtitling. Secarakhususpenelitianinimenganalisispenerapanprosedurpenerjemahan yang terdapatpada film “Madagaskar3” yang menceritakantentangkeempathewankebunbinatangAmerika yang melakukanperjalanandariAfrikamenujuAmerika; Alex (sisinga), marty (Si kuda), Gloria (Si kuda nil), danMelman (Si jerapah)merekamelakukanperjalananhinggabertemudenganrombonganklubsirkusVitaly (Si singaRusia), dankawan-kawandanmelakukanaktivitassirkusbersamadenganparapemainklubsirkusdanmelakukanatraksiuntuksetiapkota-kota di Negara besar.

1.2            BatasanMasalah
Penelitianinihanyaakanmenganalisisprosedur yang digunakanuntukmenerjemahkankalimatatau kata dari dialog dalam film “Madagaskar3” (seperti yang disarankanolehNidadan Taber (1969: 12) yang menyatakanbahwa,”menerjemahkanterdiridarimereproduksibahasapenerimasealamimungkindenganpesan yang terkandungdalambahasasumber, yang pertamadalamhalmaknadankeduadalamhalgaya.”Sementaraitu, prosedurpenerjemahan yang digunakandalam film “Madagaskar3” terbagimenjadibeberapajenisprosedur yang dianalisisantaralainprosedurpenerjemahansecara Literal, Transferensi, Naturalisasi, PadananBudaya, Kesepadanan, TerjemahanLangsung, ReduksidanEkspansi.
Selanjutnya, penelitianinijugaakanlebihmengkonsentrasikanakanpemenuhankriteriadarisuatuterjemahan yang baikdanselarasmenurutparapakar (seperti yang disarankanolehTytler (1907), Nida (1964; 1971), Larson (1984), danMassoud (1988) yaitupenerjemahan yang baikharusakurat, jelasdanalamisehinggadapatdenganmudahdipahamiolehpembacatekstersebut.
1.3            IdentifikasiMasalah
1.      Prosedurpenerjemahanapa yang digunakanolehpenerjemahdalam subtitling dialog dari film “Madagaskar3”?
2.      Apakah subtitle yang disampaikansudahmemenuhikriteriaterjemahan yang baik (sesuaidengandefinisiparapakar)?

1.4            TujuanPenelitian
1.      Untukmengetahuiprosedur yang digunakanolehpenerjemahdalam subtitling dialog dari film “Madagaskar3”
2.      Untukmengidentifikasikriteriaterjemahan yang terdapatdalam subtitle film “Madagaskar3”
1.5            ObjekdanMetodePenelitian
Objekdaripenelitianiniadalah subtitle film yang berjudul “Madagaskar3” yang dilihatdariaspekprosedurpenerjemahan,pembuatan subtitling dankriteria yang telahsejalandenganparapakar.
Metode yang digunakandalampenelitianiniadalahmetodedeskriptifkualitatif.Metodeinibertujuanmemberikaandeskripsiataugambaransecarasistematis, faktualdanakuratmengenai data sertahubunganfenomena yang diteliti.Data yang diperolehdaripenelitianmeliputi kata, frase, ataukalimat.
Prosedurpengumpulan data dalampenelitianiniadalahsebagaiberikut:

a.      Menonton film Madagaskar3inidenganmaksuduntukbisalebihmemahamikeseluruhanisicerita film melaluinaskah film dan subtitle.
b.      Mencarinaskah film Madagaskar3 di Internet.
c.       Mentranskripsi subtitle versi Indonesia pada film Madagaskar3.
d.      Membacadanmembandingkannaskahversibahasainggrisdengan subtitle versibahasa Indonesia pada film Madagaskar3
e.      Memilihsampel data untukdianalisisdenganmenggunakanmetodesampelacak. Maksudnyaadalahmengambil data dari subtitle tidakberurutanberdasarkannomersesi dialog subtitle yang ada di film yang diteliti.
f.        Mengklasifikasikan data yang dianalisissatupersatukedalamprosedurpenerjemahan yang terbagimenjadi Literal, Transferensi, Naturalisasi, PadananBudaya, Kesepadanan (Equivalence), TerjemahanLangsung, ReduksidanEkspansi.
g.      Menyandingkanversibahasasumber (bahasainggris) denganversibahasasasaran (bahasa Indonesia)
h.      Menganalisisdanmengidentifikasiprosedurpenerjemahan yang terdapatdalam data.


Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of TranslationI. London: Oxford University Press.
Gambier, Yves. 1993. “Audio Visual Communication: Typological Detour”.Teaching
Translation and Interpreting 2.Philadelphia: John Benjamin.
Nida, Eugene and Charles Taber. 1974. The Theory and Practice of Translation. Leiden: E.J.
White, Betty. 2008. “Subtitling: The Museum of Broadcast Communication”. Translation
Journal, URL: updated on:4/1/2011.

KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) dalam Bahasa Inggris

Nah kita masih kebingungan nih gimana sih caranya membuat KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) dalam bahasa Inggris?. Nah kita bingung kan apalagi kita harus menterjemahkan dari Bahasa Indonesia menjadi Bahasa Inggris secara benar dan tepat. Berikut ini disediakan contoh bagaimana kita menterjemahkan Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) ke dalam bahasa Inggris.


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Demikian penjelasan singkat mengenai bagaimana penerjemahan KTP dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa bermanfaat.

Contoh Penerjemahan Cerita

Dimulai dari sebuah pertemuan singkat yang terjadi pada hari minggu di taman rindang terlihat seoranggadis yang sedang berjalan dengan kekasihnya. Mereka terlihat sangat bahagia, bercanda dan saling terbuai kisah asmara di saat yang sama Hamdan memperhatikan sang gadis yang begitu memikat hatinya. Tanpa sengaja pun sang gadis juga sekilas menatap lembut kearahnya. Hamdan berlalu meninggalkan tempat yang menjadi pijakan dalam kekagumannya pada pujaan hati yang baru saja ia temui. Kini Hamdan pulang dengan sangat bahagia walaupun ia tahu bahwa sang gadis telah memiliki seorang kekasih. Hamdan begitu merindukan gadis yang pernah ditemuinya dahulu, ia pun memutuskan untuk pergi ke taman yang pernah menjadi tempat ia bertemu dengan gadis yang telah membuat gundah hatinya.
Dari kejauhan tampak seorang gadis yang sedang duduk sendiri, gadis itu menangis, Hamdan berdiri di sisinya berharap untuk membuat gadis itu terhibur dengan keberadaannya. Sang gadis perlahan menceritakan apa yang terjadi padanya, dalam pembicaraan itu Hamdan mencoba menenangkan kegundahan yang sedang dialami oleh sang gadis. Singkat cerita gadis itu kini berteman baik dengan Hamdan, tanpa sang gadis tahu bahwa Hamdan memiliki rasa kepadanya. Tiap pagi Hamdan selalu ceria karena pujaan hati yang dulu ia impikan kini telah ada di depan mata tanpa harus memberitahu bahwa gadis itu menjadi wanita yang sangat ia sayangi lebih dari dirinya sendiri tiap hari ia bangun pagi untuk memberinya masakan yang paling enak untuk sang kekasih dan selalu memberi waktu untuk sang gadis. Dia begitu penting bagi Hamdan.
Satiap saat setiap waktu Hamdan mencoba untuk selalu ada untuk sang gadis. Sang gadis tidak pernah tahu jika Hamdan bagitu menyayanginya karena sang gadis masih mengisihatinya untuk kekasihnya (mantan). Seiring berjalannya waktu Hamdan mencoba untuk menyatakan apa yang ia rasakan kepada sang gadis lalu sang gadis menerimanya. Hamdan begitu senang kini gadis itu tidak hanya menjadi teman dan sahabatnya sekaligus menjadi tempat untuk memberikan kasih sayang yang lebih untuknya.Hamdan selalu menyisihkan uang hasil kerja kerasnya untuk membelikan sang gadis sebuah gaun yang sangat diidolakan oleh sang gadis itu, walaupun Hamdan harus berpuasa menahan lapar. Namun, Hamdan begitusenangdenganapa yang iarasakan.
TibalahwaktuHamdanmemberikan sang gadisgaun yang begituindahdengansemangatHamdantergesa-gesauntukmelihatwajahbahagia sang gadis. KetikaHamdansampai di sampingkamar sang gadis, Hamdanberniatuntukmemberikejutan. Dari jendelaterlihat sang gadissedangmenangisterbaringmemeluksebuahfoto yang begitujelasbukandirinya (Hamdan) tetapifotoseorangkekasih sang gadisdahulu. Hamdan pun pergidanmeninggalkangaun di bawahjendelatanpasepetah kata, Hamdanberjalandenganhati yang kecewa.
Keesokanharinya sang gadismelihatsebuahkado yang tampakbagus, di dalamnyaadasebuahgaun yang sangatindahdansepucuksurat yang berisi, “Walaupunakutidakbisamemilikimutetapikausudahmemilikihatikusepenuhnya, terserahkauapakanhatikuini, itusudahmilikmu. Kiniakumalutelahmemaksamuuntukmenyayangiku.Akupergibukanuntukmeninggalkanmutapi agar kauleluasamengisihatimudengan orang lain, jagaselaludirimu. Terimakasihtelahmenjadisahabatku, semogabahagiadansehatselalu.”Itulah kisah Hamdan dan sang gadis pujaan hatinyadan kalian tahu kenapa aku tidak menyebutkan nama gadis itu? Ya, karena akulah “Hamdan” dan biarlah aku menyimpan namanya dan rasa ini di hatiku.

The worship of the Heart

Beginning of a meeting in brief happens sunday in the park seen a girl that is running with his girlfriend. They look very happy, joking and mutual lull romance in the same time Hamdanattent to the girlwhois so attracting  his heart. Accidentally the girl also glance look softly at him. Hamdan is gone leaving place being footing in his admiration to idol which just now he meet. Now Hamdangoes home happily though he knows that the girl had a sweetheart. Hamdan so miss the girl who was ever met by him previously, evenhe decides to go to the park which ever becomes the place coming with the girl has made troubled heart.

from a distance looks the girl Sitting Alone, the girl cries, Hamdanstands at her side wishing to make the girl comforted with his existence. The girl slowly tells what happened to him, in the conversation, Hamdantry to ease anxiety being experienced by the girl. Short storythe girl now friends goodwithHamdan, without the girl  knows that Hamdan has a sense of her. Every morning Hamdanis always cheerful because heart idol whois previous dreamed now has been in front of the eyes without having to say that the girl being a woman highly he lovemore than himself, every day he gets up early for giving hervery delicious cooking for the sweetheart and always giving the time for the girl.She's very important for Hamdan.
every time Hamdan try to be there for the girl. The girl never know if Hamdanreally loves her because the girl still fills her heart to herboyfriend (ex). Over time Hamdan try to express what he feels for the girl and the girl accept it. Hamdanis so glad now that the girl will not only be friend and companion as well as a place to give more affection for her. Hamdanis always hard work to set aside money to buy the girl a dress so idolized by the girls, although Hamdan should fast starve. However, Hamdanis so pleased with what he feels.
Hamdan has time giving the girl very beautiful dress with the spirit of Hamdan in a hurry to see the happy face of the girl. When Hamdan arrives to room beside the girl, Hamdan intend to give surprise. From the window looks the girl was crying lied hugging a photo so clearly not himself (Hamdan) but a sweetheart photo of the girl first. Hamdango away and leave the dress below the window without a word, Hamdan walk with disappointed heart.
The next day the girl see a gift that looks nice, inside there is a very beautiful dress and a letter that said, "Although I can not have you, but you owned my heart completely, whatever you do with my heart, it is yours. Now I am ashamed forcing you to love me. I went instead to leave you but that you're free to fill your heart for others, keep yourself always. Thank you for being my best friend, hopefully happy and healthy always. "That's the story of Hamdan and his idol girl and you know why I did not mention her name? Yes, because I am "Hamdan" and let me save the name and this feel in my heart.

Persamaan Bahasa Arab dengan Bahasa Indonesia

Persamaan Bahasa Arab dengan Bahasa Indonesia           Banyak dari kosakata bahasa Indonesia yang merupakan hasil serapan dari...