This chapter presents
background of Selected Case Studies in American V2 translation. The
purpose of translation tells about the purpose of the book translation.
Significance of translation explains about significance ofthe book translation
either theoretically or practically. In the theory of translation, it tells
about theories of translation completed by linguist’ theories. Then, the method
of translation, there are eight methods of translation taken from Newmark.
1.1. Background of Translation
In the world, many languages that are
used by different countries forcommunicating with each other. Especially, in the language case, each people has to
translate the context in different language so that they are able to know the
mean of the context. In the book of Linguistic Theory of
Translation, translation is as context transfer in Source Language (SL)
with context comparison in the Target Language (TL). Translation also emphasizes
that context transfer must be correspond with pure context. Because, comparison
is very important in translating context (Catford in Djuharie, 2014:11).Therefore, the translation process is used for
knowing the Source Language (SL). The translation process changes from Source
Language (SL) into Target Language (TL)..
History (from Greekἱστορία, historia,
meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation") is the study
of the past as it is described in written documents. Events occurring before
written record are considered prehistory. It is an umbrella
term that relates
to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization,
presentation, and interpretation of information about these events (Wikipedia, 2017). Writer needs information about history so that if the text is from Source
Language (SL), writer has to change it to Target Language. With translation of this, reader
and writer are able to understand the text from
Source Language (SLK) especially in events that are in the book.
This history tells about Selected Case Studies in American V2. Histories explained in the
book consist of The Case of the Angry Farmers, The Clerk and the
Union Shop, The decision to Acquire the Philippines, Theodore
Rooseveltand the Panama Canal, and The Sinking of the Lusitania.
These events are happened in the American history. This book is very interesting and simple, therefore
the writer understands about American history. In the other hand, reader can be
involved in answering the questions found in the book.
1.2. Purpose of Translation
The purpose of translating the history teks are:
1.2.1. To help
readers in understanding the translated book content in indonesia language.
1.2.2. To add vocabulary size, especially
vocabularies about history and to increase the competence of English-Indonesia
1.2.3. To apply translation methods in
translating this book into Target Language (TL).
1.3. Significance of Translation
Theoritically, it
knows about translation theories of Newmark and Nida. Therefore, the
translation result is better. Practically, it can give knowledge to students,
other writer, translation community, and readers.Therefore, the translation
result can be motivation for all students of English Vocational Program. In increasing translation
skill, translation project can help the writer. This project also is hoped to
help the readers such as English students, other writer, translation community where peopleare studying at one of
association of translation like HPI (Association of Indonesia Translators), Bahtera and also for people interested
in translating the book of historitical.
1.4. Theory of Translation
There are some definitions
of translation. Nida & Taber (1969:12) state
that translation consist of reproducing in the receptor language the closest
natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning
and secondly in terms of style. Newmark (1988:5) states
that translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in
the way that the author intended the text.
Newmark (1981: 7) defines translation as “a craft consisting in the
attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the
same message and/or statement in another language”. In line with this, Bell (1993:5), translating the definition of translation according
to Dubois, states that Translation is the expression in another language (or target
language) of what has been expressed in another, source language, preserving
semantic and stylistic equivalences.
From the definition above the translation has the same term
“equivalence”. The meaning, context, though, or message of both source of reproducing
in the receptor language, the closest natural are equivalent to the message of
source language. The first is meaning and secondly is style. The message of
source language must equivalent. The reader of translation who knows the target
language only will be confused if the target language is influenced by the
source language.
Meanwhile the result of translation must be transferring the
meaning of the source language clearly. In order to make the clear meaning of
source language, it is expected that the meaning of target language can be
understood by the readers. So, the result of translation must be readable. In
target language, readability is needed, because it makes the readers easier to
catch the content of the translation text, conversely when the translation text
is not readable. It will make the readers difficult to understand the content
of the text well.