Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Contoh pembuatan Acknowledgment pada Tugas Akhir (TA)


         First of all, the writer thank to Allah swt who always give easiness in finishing this final report on time. The writer would like to thanks to all people who had helped and supported as follows:
1.        Dean of Adab and Humanities, Dr. Setia Gumilar, S.Ag., M.Si, and Vice Deans, Dr. Ading Kusidana, M.Ag., Dr. Dedi Supriadi, M.Hum., and Dr. Dadan Rusmana, M.Ag. who have improved the faculty of Adab and Humanities, improving the religious thing and the knowledge thing for students.
2.        Mr. Udayani Permanaludin, S.S., M.Pd as the head of Diploma III English Vocational Program, who has been leading English Vocational to be the better department.
3.      Dr. Andang Saehu, M.pd, as the supervisor of the writer’s final report, who has helped me in finishing the final report.
4.      Thanks to examiners…
5.      My family, for my mother and my father, my sister and my brother, always supporting me.
6.      My close friend, Eris and Frianji who had helped me in giving facility for finishing the final report.
7.      All my friends, they always give me spirit for finishing this report

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