Thursday, October 27, 2016

The example of Conversation

Alfi’s Father
Fauji, Imamul and arifin are having their breakfast. Alfi comes into the room. He is holding a letter.
Alfi : Hello, everybody.
Arifin : Helo.
Imamul : There’s a letter for you – Oh,you’ve got it.
Alfi : Yes, thanks, Imamul. The letter which is from my father, comes from Soreang.
Fauji : I can never read my father’s letters.
Imamul : Why’s that, Fauji?
Fauji ; He is a doctor. His writing is terrible.
Alfi: Your father’s a doctor?
Fauji : Yes. My father who works as a doctor, writes something complicatedly.
Imamul : What’s your father, Arifin?
Arifin : He’s got a shop. He sells newspapers, magazines, books, sweets, ices—everything.
Imamul : Is it a big shop?
Arifin : The shop that is managed by my father include three assistants.
Alfi : Three assistants?
Fauji : What’s your father, Imamul?
Imamul : He works in an office.
Alfi : Has he got a secretary?
Imamul : Two secretaries, I think.
Alfi : Two secretaries! Hmm.
Imamul : What’s your father’s job, Alfi?
Alfi : He’s… er… he’s a builder.
Arifin : A builder?
Imamul : Has he got a big office?
Alfi : Yes, of course ! Two offices ! He’s coming to Bandung.
Imamul : We can meet him.
Alfi : No ! I mean… yes. (Miserably) Yes. You can meet him on Saturday when he is here
(On Saturday Mr Agus is putting a new carpet on the floor.)
Mrs. Agus : Oh, that is nice !
Mr. Agus: Yes ! All right, eh? There. I’ll close the door, and you can see it properly.
Mrs. Agus : It’s very good. But can I go out now?
Mr. Agus : Oh, yes. Of course you can. (He tries to open the door.) Oh…
Mrs. Agus : Oh dear. Can’t you open the door?
Mr. Agus : Of course I can. Just a minute—
Mrs. Agus : No ! Careful !
Mr.Agus : But we can’t get out !
Mrs. Agus : The carpet…
Mr. Agus : The carpet !
Mrs. Agus : Yes. You can take it away and then we can get out.
Mr. Agus : Take it away ! But… Oh, all right.
(He pulls up the carpet and opens the door.)
Mrs. Agus : Thank you.
Mr. Agus : That’s all right.
(Upstairs Alfi goes into the common room.)
Imamul : Hello, Alfi. (Alfi switches off the record player.) Hey you can’t do that.
Alfi : Oh yes I can. It’s Saturday. Go out. Go to a dance, or the pictures. Do something.
Imamul : I am doing something which someone in the world likes too, thank you ! I’m listening to music.
(She starts the record player again.)
Alfi : Fauji! You can’t paint there !
Fauji : Oh yes I can.
Arifin : What’s the matter, Alfi?
Alfi : Arifin ! What are you doing?
Arifin : I mend my clothes which is broken.
Alfi : Can’t you take them to your room?
Arifin : No. I’ve got all my things here.
(Downstairs, in the hall…)
Mrs. Agus : What are you doing now, Agus ?
Mr. Agus : I’m taking the door off, of course. Help ! It’s falling !
(The doorbell rings. Mrs Agus answer it.)
Mrs. Agus : Oh ! Good evening !
Mr. Joko : Evening ! Mrs. Agus?
Mrs. Agus : Yes…?
Mr. Agus : (The door is falling over.) Can someone please help me !)
(Mr. Joko comes into the hall. He holds the door up.)
Mr. Joko : Okay. Have you got a screw driver ?
Mr. Agus : Yes.
Mr. Joko : Put it under there.
Mr. Agus : Thank you, Mr.—er-- ?
Mr. Joko : Joko. How do you do? I’m Alfi’s father.


Who is in the bathroom?
It is a weekday morning. Downstair Mrs. Faujiah is asking Mr. Fauji what he wants for breakfast.
Mrs. Faujiah : Fauji. Do you want an egg for breakfast?
Mr. Fauji : I want the newspaper and a cup of coffea .
Mrs. Faujiah : Or cornflakes?
Mr. Fauji : Where is it?
Mrs. Faujiah : Or toast?
Mr. Fauji : Faujiah, where’s the newspaper?
Mrs. Faujiah : I don’t know.
Mr. Fauji : Oh.
Mrs. Faujiah : Fauji ! Do you want an egg, cornflakes or toast?
Mr. Fauji : (He looks vague.) Yes. That’s a very good idea.
(Upstairs Imam is waiting outside the bathroom. The door is shut and he can’t get in. Then Ulfah comes along.)
Ulfah : Oh! Hello.
Imam : Hello, Ulfah. Do you want a bath?
Ulfah : Yes. Who is in the bathroom?
Imam : I don’t know.
Ulfah : Is it Ted?
Imam : I don’t think so. He’s running at this time, usually.
Ulfah : Oh yes.
Imam : if it isn’t Ted, it’s Anna.
Ulfah : Why don’t you knock on the door and ask?
Imam : Me?
Ulfah : Yes. It’s late.
Imam : Oh, all right. ( He knocks on the door.) Ann?
Anna : (She speaks from behind them.) : Hello?
Imam : It’s  late.
Anna : Yes, it is.
(Imam and Ulfah turn round and see Anna in her uniform.)
Ulfah : Oh! You’re there. You’re not in the bathromm.
Anna : No. what’s the matter?
Ulfah : Someone’s in the bathroom.
Imam : Ted !
Ulfah : I suppose so.
Anna : Doesn’t Ted go out running?
Imam : Yes, he does. But he can’t be running this morning. (He knocks on the door.) Ted!
Anna : Do you think he’s all right?
Imam : I hope so.
Anna : Let me knock. (She knocks on the door.) There’s something the matter !
Ulfah : Yes, there is.
Imam : Stand back…
Anna : Be careful !
Imam : It’s all right. I’m good at opening doors. One…two…three…now! (He runs at the door.) Ouch !
Ulfah : (Laughing.) Oh, Mark!
Anna : Are you hurt? Let me see ! Don’t move Imam. Careful.
(Mr. fauji comes along)
Mr. Fauji : What’s the matter?
Ulfah : Mark is hurt.
Imam : It doesn’t matter. I’m all right.
Anna : Ted’s in the bathroom.
Ulfah : yes, maybe he is in the bathroom But he doesn’t answer.
Anna : We can’t hear him at all.
Mr. Fauji : That’s strange and terrible. (He looks through the keyhole.) Ted! Can you hear me?
Anna : Can you hear anything?
Mr. Fauji : I can hear you talking.
Anna : Oh, sorry.
(Ted comes into the house. He comes up the stairs and stands behind them. Ulfah sees him first.)
Ulfah : Ted!
Imam : Sh! Don’t talk.
Ulfah : But he’s here.
Ted : What’s the matter?  (The others look round.)
Mr. Fauji : Ted!
Imam : You are not in the bathroom .
Ted : Of course I’m not in the bathroom. I’m here.
Ulfah : what?. Now you are here But I don’t understand. If Ted is here. Who is in the bathroom now ?

dasar-dasar bahasa Tanzania

Bahasa Kishwahili adalah bahasa Tanzania. Bahasa ini masuk juga dalam bahasa bantu; termasuk juga bahasa isixhosa, bahasa isizulu, ndebele, kinyarwanda yang memiliki "cliks sounds"
Memiliki vokal yang sama dalam bahasa indonesia; A,I,U,E,O
,dengan memiliki konsonan2 yg berbeda dgn bahasa indonesia yakni:
Ch: dibaca " Ch" seperti dalam "Chacha" dengan ada hembusan udara dari tenggorokan.
Dh: dibaca "Dh" dengan ada hembusan juga seperti dalam "dhuafa"
Sh: dibaca "Sh" dengan ada hembusan seperti dalam kata "Sholat"
Th: dibaca "Th" sama dengan diatas seperti dalam kata "Thagut"
Gh: dibaca "grh" dalam bahasa perancis "R"/suara retroflex
Ng: dibaca " Ngg" seperti dalam kata" mengganjal"
Verb dalam bahasa Tanzania tergantung pada imbuhan:
-Ta- kata kerja future
-Na-kata kerja present -Me-kata kerja lampau
-Li-kata kerja perfect
Jika kau mau menghapal keterangan kata kerja buat sebuah kalimat kemudian dihapal ini metode saya "Tadi Nani Membeli Lidi"
"Mwalimu a-na-sema kiswahili"
"Guru itu berbicara bahasa Kiswahili"
Penjelasan: a- adalah subjek penjelas dari" Mwalimu/guru"
-Na- adalah keterangan waktu present tense
-Sema- adalah kata kerja yg terbentuk dari infinitif"Ku-sema"
Kiswahili adalah objeknya.
Untuk aturan kata benda terbagi menjadi dua yaitu kata benda animate/ bernyawa dan kata benda yg tak bernyawa.
Untuk kata benda yg bernyawa memiliki satu aturan:
1. (Mu, Yu,A) untuk singular dan (wa,wa) untuk kata benda yang jamak
Mu= menerangkan adjective dan kata benda
Yu= Menerangkan demonstrative/ kata petunjuk
A=menerangkan kata kerja
Contoh: "Mwanafunzi mzuri yule alisoma kitabu"
"Murid yg baik itu membaca sebuah buku (lampau)"

Wa= menerangkan adjective dan kata benda

Wa=menerangkan kata penunjuk (ini,itu) dan kata kerja


"Walimu wale wanatoka Soreang"

"Para guru itu berasal dari Soreang"

untuk kata benda yang tak bernyawa memiliki tiga aturan yaitu:

1. (Mu,u) untuk singular dan (Mi,i) Untuk kata benda yang jamak

Mu=menerangkan adjective dan kata benda

U=menerangkan kata kerja dan kata penunjuk (ini,itu)


"Mfuko Mdogo Ule Unatoka Soreang"

"Kantong besar itu berasal dari kota Soreang"

Mi=menerangkan adjective dan kata benda

I=menerangkan kata kerja dan kata penunjuk


"Mifuko Midogo Ile Inatoka Soreang"

"Kantong-Kantong besar itu berasal dari kota soreang"


Thursday, October 13, 2016

IJAZAH SMA dalam bahasa Inggris




The undersigned, The headmaster of Senior High School………………………………………………………………………State 1 Soreang Bandung Regency………………………………………………………………………………..explained that:
Name                                                                             :  FAUJI IMAMUL ARIFIN
Place and date of birth                                                    :  Bandung, 8 April 1996
Name of parent                                                              :  Drs. AgusRahman
Registration number of national student                           :  9964
Registration number of national test                                 :
Origin school                                                                 :  SMAN 1 SOREANG

from the educational unit based on the result of the National Test and School Test and in compliance all the criteria in accordance with statutory regulations.

                                                                                           Bandung, 20-05-2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TotongSyamsudin, S.Pd, M.Si

》》》Baca Juga : Ijazah Kuliah Dalam Bahasa Inggris

 DN-02 Ma 0034880
Natural Science Program
Name                                                     :  FAUJI IMAMUL ARIFIN
Place and date of birth                            :  Bandung, 8 April 1996
National Registration number                  : 9964815328
National Student Registration                  :

1)       Report Average Score= Semester Score Average 3,4, and 5; for school using Credit Semester system of Report  Average Score is the Average of the semester 1 to 5
2)       School Score= 70% Report Average Score + 30%  School Test Score
3)       Addition Subjects decided through Governor Decision Letter
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bandung, 20-05-2014


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