Saturday, March 21, 2020

How to Draw and Create The Abstract Art

How to Draw and Create The Abstract Art 

Hello the readers!!!
How are you?
May you get well...
I created a result of new creation. The theme of my creation is about "The Abstract Art of Smiling Girl". Why I take a title/a theme about it because it refers to my girlfriend who is very beautiful she is. Her name is Siti Nurhalimah, S.Pd who is very loved by me. On the picture, i add the new creation with the nature and the building. You could see from my creation that it consists of the variations, including "nature" and "building". Oke let's see the explanation about the additional creations.
》First (Theme of Nature)
The nature theme means that my girlfriend (a girl on the picture) is from a village. She lives in the village which is far from the city. She is an religious girl who has good character.

》Second (Theme of Building)
The Building theme means that my girlfriend had graduated from the a very outstanding university in Tasikmalaya, West Java. She is a genious girl who could finish her study with the best pedicate, namely cumlaude title. Moreover, she is a girl who gets the best Cumulative Achievement Index on the faculty of education in Siliwangi University. Wow it is amazing, is'nt it?.

Therefore, we could conclude that the variations of these themes mean that the girl can adapt well with the surroudings of the city life without avoiding her good village characters. She is still religious between her friends' life. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Alphabet and Pronunciation of Indonesian Language (Part1)

Indonesia Language; Alphabet and Pronunciation
By: Fauji Imamul Arifin

I. Basic Indonesia Language
Letters in Indonesia language are divided into two groups:

• Vowel:
The vowel letters in Indonesia language are Aa, Ii, Uu, Ee, and Oo.
• Consonant
The consonant letters in Indonesia language are Bb, Cc, Dd, Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yyand Zz.

II. Alphabet and Pronunciation
Aa → it is pronunced a like in Father
Bb → it is pronunced b like in Big
Cc → it is pronunced c like in Car
Dd → it is pronunced d like in Dog
Ee → it is pronunced e like in Festival
Ff → it is pronunced f like in Fall
Gg → it is pronunced g like in Goal
Hh → it is pronunced h like in Hall
Ii → it is pronunced i like in Islam
Jj → it is pronunced j like in Japan
Kk → it is pronunced k like in Kill
Ll → it is pronunced l like in Low
Mm → it is pronunced m like in Mall
Nn → it is pronunced n like in Not
Oo → it is pronunced o like in Fog
Pp → it is pronunced p like in Pull
Qq → it is pronunced k like in King
Rr → it is pronunced r like in Rich
Ss → it is pronunced s like in Sell
Tt → it is pronunced t like in Think
Uu → it is pronunced oo like in Foot
Vv → it is pronunced v like in Volt
Ww → it is pronunced w like in Wall
Xx → it is pronunced x like in Wax
Yy → it is pronunced y like in Youth
Zz → it is pronunced z like in Zoo

III. Diftong letters
There are diphthongs symbolized by ai, au, and oi.
Ai → it is pronunced ai like in Sail
Au → it is pronunced ou like in Mouth
Oi → it is pronunced oi like in Soil

IV. Combined Consonant Letters
Consonant font letters kh, ng, ny, and sy, each represent a consonant sound.
Kh → it is pronunced as kh like in
Ng → it is pronunced as ng like in Long
Ny → it is pronunced as ni like in Onion

Thanks for reading. I hope it is useful for you.

Italian Alphabet and Pronunciation (Part1)

Alphabet and Pronunciation

There are only 21 letters in the Italian language. Letters-letters k, w, x and y is only found in the words of another language uptake. While the letters j only in the name of the place (Japan) and the name of the person (fauji).

The letters are:

1. vowels:
Aa → it is pronunced like a in the word Father
Ee → it is pronunced like e in the word Sell
Ii → it is pronunced like i in the word Pig
Oo → it is pronunced like o in the word Call
Uu → it is pronunced like u in the word Shoot

2. Consonants:
Bb → it is pronunced like b in the word Big

there are two pronunciations:
1. Before the letter e  or i, the letter c is pronounced as ch as in **Chocolate
2. Before the letters h, a, o and u, it is pronounced as k like in the word Chemist
Dd → it is pronunced like d in the word Dog
Ff → it is pronunced like F in the word Fast

• Gg
There are two pronunciations:
1.Before the letter e or i, it is pronounced like g in the word Gentle
2.Before the letters h, a, o and u, it is pronunced like g in the word *Going

Hh → it is never pronunced
Ll → it is pronunced like l in the word Salt
Mm → it is pronunced like m in the word Mall
Nn → it is pronunced like n in the word Now
Pp → it is pronunced like p in the word Pull
Rr, it is thickened

• Ss
There are two pronunciations:
1.It is pronunced like s in the word Sell
2.It is pronunced as z in the word Rose
Tt → it is pronunced like t in the word Tall
Vv → it is pronunced like V in the word Visa
Zz → it is pronunced like ts in the word Pets

Two consonants which are merged:
Gh → it is pronunced like kh in the word architect

Gh → it is pronunced like g in the word Goal

Gli → it is pronunced like lli in the word Brilliant

Gn → it is pronunced like * ny* in the word Onion

Qu → it is pronunced like ku in the word Quantitative

• Sc
There are two pronunciations:
1.Before the letters e  or i. It is pronunced as sh as in Shoe
2.Before the letters h, a, o, and u. It is pronunced like sk in the word Sky

Molto Grazie (Thanks very much)

The Martial Art of Pencak Silat (Indonesian)

The Martial Art of Pencak Silat

Pencak Silat is a martial sport which also contains the value - the value of traditional art from Indonesia. Pencak silat was long ago introduced in Indonesia, martial arts itself has four main aspects as well as the three main objectives in the applying aspect, namely:

• the mental and spiritual aspects
• aspects of art and culture
• the martial aspect
• aspects of sport and 3 main objectives include:
      (1) the purpose to achieve health
      (2) recreational purposes
      (3) the purpose of achievement

Pencak Silat is the element .
the element of Indonesian national personality possessed of farmed hereditary. Martial arts has long been introduced in Indonesia. This can be seen at the time of Dutch rule, martial arts is already there. When his martial arts was used against the invaders.

In fact, we often heard the legend that martial arts was made by one of the warriors of Betawi named Pitung. In the era, Pitung resisted with martial arts individually.

Turkish Grammar: Adjective and Noun

By Fauji Imamul Arifin

1. Adjective and noun
The function of Adjective in Turkish, including:

The adjective as an attributive
it means that the adjective precedes noun.
For examples:
Iyi kitap → Good book
Bu genç kız iyi → This young girl is good
The adjective as a predicate
It means that the adjective is used after noun .
For examples:
Bu kız genc → This girl is young
Bu kötü → This is bad
The adjective as a substantive
Bu genç iyi → This youngster is pretty
like a word, when it is indicated as an adjective, we may not add suffixes. When it is indicated as a substantive, we may add suffixes.

2. Agglutination
We have to know that Turkish is categorized as a language which is agglutinative because with adding suffixes in a word is for yielding a new meaning. Turkish is an agglutinative language so that many suffixes in Turkish that can be inserted by us in a word. There is no prefixes in Turkish.

3. Vowel harmony
There are eight vowels in Turkish. They are divided into two groups/classes:
(1) The vowels which are yielded toward the front of the mouth part
(2) The vowels which are yielded toward the back. The classes are named as “front and back vowels”.

         e                                 a
          i                                  ı
         ö                                 o
         ü                              u

Note: In originally word of Turkish, the vowels "ö" and "o" are only in the first syllable of a word but they don’t exist also in suffixes.

Originally word of Turkish has vowels which are in the same class, including front or back vowels. The phenomenon is named as vowel harmony. When we add a suffix to a word, the final vowel position of the word is something that determines the system of the vowel class (front vowel or back vowel) in the suffix. The final vowel is named as dominant vowel.

5. The plural
Kelime → (the) word
kelimeler→ (the) words

evler → (the) houses
filler → (the) elephants

dil → (the) language
diller → (the) languages

ay → (the) month
aylar → (the) months

kalem → (the) pen
kalemler → (the) pens

ayak → (the) foot
ayağlar → (the) feet

kitap → (the) book
kitablar → (the) books

baş → (the) head
başlar → (the) heads

öğretmen → (the) teacher
öğretmenler → (the) teachers

nehir → (the) river
nehirler → (the) rivers

how to make the plural form in Turkish?. We can make plural form with adding a suffix -ler to a noun after a front vowel (e, i, ö,ü) and add -lar after a back vowel (a, ı, o, u). Therefore the system of vowel harmony is very important in making plural noun.

Thanks for reading.

Adjective, Article, and Predicate in Turkish Language (Part3)

Adjective Position, Definite and Indefinite Article, Predicate Modifier

1. Position of adjectives
Below, it will be given some examples about position of adjective in Turkish:

iyi bir kitap → A good book
genç kız → (the) young girl
genç anne → (the) young aunt
yaşlı kitap → (the) old book
So we know that when an adjective is in front of a noun, the adjective modifies the noun like in English.

2. Indefinite article (a/an)
Below, it will be given some examples about position of indefinite article with adjectives in Turkish:

bir kitap → a book/one book
bir kelime → a word/one word
bir elma → an apple/one apple
bir bardak süt → a glass of milk
iyi bir kız → a good girl
iyi bir kitap → a good book
çok kötü bir kitap → a very bad book
beş cok iyi kitap → three very good books
iyi ve güzel bir cami → a good and pretty mosque

The function of the word bir (one) is as the number and the word bir has a function as indefinite article (a, an). We have to know that if the indefinite article or adjectives modify a noun, Turkish function like English order. The adjective or more come first, and the noun is preceded by indefinite article immediately. If the word bir that has meaning as “one”, it must precede the adjective/the adjectives like in English. If the word bir  refers to indefinite article (a/an), the adjective/adjectives must precede the word bir.
For examples:
büyük bir kitap → a big book
bir büyük kitap → one big girl

Note 1 :
Sometimes, the use of the word bir can be used with a noun that is plural.
Note 2 :
In Turkish sentence, the use of the word bir can be omitted.

3. Definite article (The)
There isn’t separate word in Turkish which is same with definite article (the) in English. Therefore many nouns of Turkish function without the use of suffixes, like plural suffix. We have to understand that a noun in Turkish has two meanings as a noun without “the” or a noun with “the”.
For examples:
kitap → Book (or) the head
kelime → Word (or) the word

4. Predicate modifiers
O kitap uzun → That book is tall.
Bu kitap kısa → This book is short.
Iyi kitap güzel → The good book is pretty.
Iyi kız küçük → The good girl is little.
Bu büyük kitap çok iyi → This big book is very good.
Bu çok büyük kız iyi → This very big girl is good
Bu kitap çok küçük ve çok iyi → This book is very small and very
Bir ev uzun, bir ev kısa → One house is tall, (and) one house is short.
Bu süt cok iyi → This milk is very good.
Bu güzel → This is pretty.

In Turkish speech, we don’t use present tense of verb ‘to be’. Therefore an adjective that is in the position of predicate expresses as a sentence which is complete.
For examples:
O kitap uzun → That book (is) tall.’
O ev çok iyi → That house (is) very good
O cami çok iyi → That mosque (is) very good

Thanks for reading my post

Ordinal and Cardinal Number in Turkish (Part2)

Ordinal and cardinal Number in Turkish

1.Cardinal Numbers
bir kelime→one word, a word
bir kitap →one book, a book
iki kitap →two books, the two books

In Turkish, there is no separate word for indicating the  (definite article). Therefore there is no suffix attached to noun for creating the definite article, each word in Turkish may mean ‘Y’ or ‘ the Y.’

kitap → (book) or kitap (the book).
kelime → word (or) the word
kitap → book (or) the book
üç kelime → (the) three word
sekiz kitap → (the) eight books
dört ev → (the) four houses
dokuz harf → (the) nine letters
beş ay → (the) five months
on kız → (the) ten girls
altı dil → (the) six languages

We must know that cardinal numbers in Turkish must be followed by singular noun. Therefore, we don’t have to add plural noun for indicating cardinal number.
They are:

• Number 1 - 20
Number 1-10 Number 11-20
bir→1          on bir → 11
iki →2          on iki → 12
üç →3          on üç → 13
dört →4          on dört →14
beş →5          on beş → 15
altı →6          on altı → 16
yedi →7          on yedi → 17
sekiz →8  on sekiz → 18
dokuz →9  on dokuz → 19
on → 10          yirmi → 20

• Number 21 - 100
Number 21-30  Number 31-100
yirmi bir → 21   otuz bir→ 31
yirmi iki → 22   otuz iki → 32
yirmi üç → 23  otuz üç → 33
yirmi dört → 24  kırk → 40
yirmi beş → 25  elli → 50
yirmi altı → 26  altmış → 60
yirmi yedi → 27  yetmiş → 70
yirmi sekiz → 28  seksen → 80
yirmi dokuz →29  doksan → 90
otuz → 30           yüz → 100

• Number 101 - 980
Meaning Number
yüz bir         → 101
yüz on     110
yüz on yedi 117
iki yüz          → 200
sekiz yüz 800
seksen dokuz → 980

• Number 1000 - 1,000,...
Meaning   → Number
bin            → 1,000
bin iki    → 1,002
on bin    → 10,000
yüz bin    → 100,000
milyon    → 1,000,000
milyar    → 1,000,000,000

2. Yarım and buçuk (One half)
Ok, how to indicate “one half” in Turkish??. We have to know that “one half” in Turkish can be created with adding yarım or buçuk. Therefore you may choose one of them. The next explanation is below:

• Yarım
It can be used by us if there is no other number that is explained in the expression.
For example:
yarım kilo →0,5 kilogram
beş yüz metre →500 meters
yarım kilometer →0,5 kilometer
beş yüz gram →500 grams
otuz dakika →30 minutes
yarım saat →0,5 hour

• Buçuk
It can be used by us with numerals.
For example:
iki buçuk saat →2,5 hours
on yedi buçuk kilometer →17,5 km
bir buçuk kilo →1,5 kilos

3. Kaç, çok, and az
These are counting words in Turkish, including kaç (how much?, how many?), çok (much or many), and az (few, a little). They are followed by singular nouns like the cardinal numbers.
For example:

kaç ev→how many houses
az çok →more or less
kaç para? →how much money? az elma →few apples
kaç kitap? →how many books ? az para → little money
çok kitap →many books biraz tuz →a little salt
çok su →much water

4. Tane and Parça
They are very different in the function, the differences are:

• Parça (piece)
it is for indicating “one part”, “section”, and etc.
• Tane (piece)
it is a pidgin English that has no meaning. This counting word “piece” like in “one piece woman,” “one piece kitap”). We have to know that Tane can be used by us in expression or we may omit tane after the cardinal numbers.
kaç parça kek?→how many pieces of cake?
kaç tane kek?→how many cakes?
kaç kitap?→how many books?
kaç tane kitap?→how many books?
beş kitap→five books
beş tane ev→five books

Çok teşekkürler (Thank you very much)

Persamaan Bahasa Arab dengan Bahasa Indonesia

Persamaan Bahasa Arab dengan Bahasa Indonesia           Banyak dari kosakata bahasa Indonesia yang merupakan hasil serapan dari...