Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Adjective, Article, and Predicate in Turkish Language (Part3)

Adjective Position, Definite and Indefinite Article, Predicate Modifier

1. Position of adjectives
Below, it will be given some examples about position of adjective in Turkish:

iyi bir kitap → A good book
genç kız → (the) young girl
genç anne → (the) young aunt
yaşlı kitap → (the) old book
So we know that when an adjective is in front of a noun, the adjective modifies the noun like in English.

2. Indefinite article (a/an)
Below, it will be given some examples about position of indefinite article with adjectives in Turkish:

bir kitap → a book/one book
bir kelime → a word/one word
bir elma → an apple/one apple
bir bardak süt → a glass of milk
iyi bir kız → a good girl
iyi bir kitap → a good book
çok kötü bir kitap → a very bad book
beş cok iyi kitap → three very good books
iyi ve güzel bir cami → a good and pretty mosque

The function of the word bir (one) is as the number and the word bir has a function as indefinite article (a, an). We have to know that if the indefinite article or adjectives modify a noun, Turkish function like English order. The adjective or more come first, and the noun is preceded by indefinite article immediately. If the word bir that has meaning as “one”, it must precede the adjective/the adjectives like in English. If the word bir  refers to indefinite article (a/an), the adjective/adjectives must precede the word bir.
For examples:
büyük bir kitap → a big book
bir büyük kitap → one big girl

Note 1 :
Sometimes, the use of the word bir can be used with a noun that is plural.
Note 2 :
In Turkish sentence, the use of the word bir can be omitted.

3. Definite article (The)
There isn’t separate word in Turkish which is same with definite article (the) in English. Therefore many nouns of Turkish function without the use of suffixes, like plural suffix. We have to understand that a noun in Turkish has two meanings as a noun without “the” or a noun with “the”.
For examples:
kitap → Book (or) the head
kelime → Word (or) the word

4. Predicate modifiers
O kitap uzun → That book is tall.
Bu kitap kısa → This book is short.
Iyi kitap güzel → The good book is pretty.
Iyi kız küçük → The good girl is little.
Bu büyük kitap çok iyi → This big book is very good.
Bu çok büyük kız iyi → This very big girl is good
Bu kitap çok küçük ve çok iyi → This book is very small and very
Bir ev uzun, bir ev kısa → One house is tall, (and) one house is short.
Bu süt cok iyi → This milk is very good.
Bu güzel → This is pretty.

In Turkish speech, we don’t use present tense of verb ‘to be’. Therefore an adjective that is in the position of predicate expresses as a sentence which is complete.
For examples:
O kitap uzun → That book (is) tall.’
O ev çok iyi → That house (is) very good
O cami çok iyi → That mosque (is) very good

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