Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Ordinal and Cardinal Number in Turkish (Part2)

Ordinal and cardinal Number in Turkish

1.Cardinal Numbers
bir kelime→one word, a word
bir kitap →one book, a book
iki kitap →two books, the two books

In Turkish, there is no separate word for indicating the  (definite article). Therefore there is no suffix attached to noun for creating the definite article, each word in Turkish may mean ‘Y’ or ‘ the Y.’

kitap → (book) or kitap (the book).
kelime → word (or) the word
kitap → book (or) the book
üç kelime → (the) three word
sekiz kitap → (the) eight books
dört ev → (the) four houses
dokuz harf → (the) nine letters
beş ay → (the) five months
on kız → (the) ten girls
altı dil → (the) six languages

We must know that cardinal numbers in Turkish must be followed by singular noun. Therefore, we don’t have to add plural noun for indicating cardinal number.
They are:

• Number 1 - 20
Number 1-10 Number 11-20
bir→1          on bir → 11
iki →2          on iki → 12
üç →3          on üç → 13
dört →4          on dört →14
beş →5          on beş → 15
altı →6          on altı → 16
yedi →7          on yedi → 17
sekiz →8  on sekiz → 18
dokuz →9  on dokuz → 19
on → 10          yirmi → 20

• Number 21 - 100
Number 21-30  Number 31-100
yirmi bir → 21   otuz bir→ 31
yirmi iki → 22   otuz iki → 32
yirmi üç → 23  otuz üç → 33
yirmi dört → 24  kırk → 40
yirmi beş → 25  elli → 50
yirmi altı → 26  altmış → 60
yirmi yedi → 27  yetmiş → 70
yirmi sekiz → 28  seksen → 80
yirmi dokuz →29  doksan → 90
otuz → 30           yüz → 100

• Number 101 - 980
Meaning Number
yüz bir         → 101
yüz on     110
yüz on yedi 117
iki yüz          → 200
sekiz yüz 800
seksen dokuz → 980

• Number 1000 - 1,000,...
Meaning   → Number
bin            → 1,000
bin iki    → 1,002
on bin    → 10,000
yüz bin    → 100,000
milyon    → 1,000,000
milyar    → 1,000,000,000

2. Yarım and buçuk (One half)
Ok, how to indicate “one half” in Turkish??. We have to know that “one half” in Turkish can be created with adding yarım or buçuk. Therefore you may choose one of them. The next explanation is below:

• Yarım
It can be used by us if there is no other number that is explained in the expression.
For example:
yarım kilo →0,5 kilogram
beş yüz metre →500 meters
yarım kilometer →0,5 kilometer
beş yüz gram →500 grams
otuz dakika →30 minutes
yarım saat →0,5 hour

• Buçuk
It can be used by us with numerals.
For example:
iki buçuk saat →2,5 hours
on yedi buçuk kilometer →17,5 km
bir buçuk kilo →1,5 kilos

3. Kaç, çok, and az
These are counting words in Turkish, including kaç (how much?, how many?), çok (much or many), and az (few, a little). They are followed by singular nouns like the cardinal numbers.
For example:

kaç ev→how many houses
az çok →more or less
kaç para? →how much money? az elma →few apples
kaç kitap? →how many books ? az para → little money
çok kitap →many books biraz tuz →a little salt
çok su →much water

4. Tane and Parça
They are very different in the function, the differences are:

• Parça (piece)
it is for indicating “one part”, “section”, and etc.
• Tane (piece)
it is a pidgin English that has no meaning. This counting word “piece” like in “one piece woman,” “one piece kitap”). We have to know that Tane can be used by us in expression or we may omit tane after the cardinal numbers.
kaç parça kek?→how many pieces of cake?
kaç tane kek?→how many cakes?
kaç kitap?→how many books?
kaç tane kitap?→how many books?
beş kitap→five books
beş tane ev→five books

Çok teşekkürler (Thank you very much)

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