Thursday, October 27, 2016

Contoh percakapan dalam bahasa inggris

One Cold Day
Mrs. Fauji is in her sitting room. She calls Mr. Fauji.
Mrs. Fauji : Jack? I don’t know Where you will go?
Mr. Fauji : (Mr. Fauji comes from the hall.) I’m here !
Mrs. Faujiah : It’s cold. Do you know where there is a heating?
Mr. Fauji : Yes, I know. There’s no heating.
Mrs. Fauji : No heating? Why not?
Mr. Fauji : Well…I turned it up…
Mrs. Fauji : (Puzzled) Turned it up? You mean… you turned it down!
Mr. Fauji : No! I turned it up. I wanted more heat.
Mrs. Fauji : But there is not any heat.
Mr. Fauji : Yes, I know. I turned it up – and it stopped.
Mrs. Fauji : Oh dear!
Mr. Fauji : now what’s the matter?. Do you know when Mrs. Indah comes?
Mrs. Fauji : Mrs. Indah is coming today.
Mr. Fauji : Mrs. Indah?. Could you tell me what date it is?
Mrs. Fauji : Putri Indah, Ulfah’s mother. She started from America by air last night. She will be here soon. Today is fourth of august.
Mr. Fauji : Oh dear!
(Anna and Ulfah are having breakfast.)
Ulfah : What’s the matter with the heating, Anna?
Anna : Mr. Fauji turned it up and it stopped/
Ulfah : Turned it up?
Anna : Yes. He turned it up and it stopped.
Ulfah : But my mother’s coming today.
Anna : Oh yes!
Ulfah : She hates cold. She hated last winter. It was very cold.
Imam : (Imam and Arifin come in.) Hello. It’s cold in here.
Arifin : What’s the matter with the heating?
Ulfah : Mr. Fauji turned it up, and it stopped.
(Mrs. Fauji comes in)
Mrs. Fauji : I’m sorry about the heating. Jack turned it up and –
Ulfah : We know. It stopped !
Arifin : We can light a fire.
Mrs. Fauji : All right. Light a fire after breakfast.
(After breakfast Anna and Ulfah prepare a fire in the common room.)
Anna : Is that your newspaper?
Ulfah : No. I asked Mrs. Fauji for it.
(Arifin comes in with an armful of wood.)
Anna : Ah – you’ve got some wood. Could you give me information where the wood is?
Arifin : Yes. It is oustdoors
Ulfah : Put some on here.
(Imam comes in with a bucketful of coal.)
Here you are. Coal.
Ulfah : Put some on here…
(Downstairs, in the living room, Mr. Fauji is searching.)
Mrs. Fauji : What are you looking for?
Mr. Fauji : My newspaper !
Mrs. Fauji : Oh!
Mr. Fauji : Well. Do you know Where it is?
Mrs. Fauji : They’re lighting a fire, and they wanted some newspaper.
Mr. Fauji : They’re lighting a fire with my newspaper?
Mrs. Fauji : I’ll stop them.
(Mrs. Fauji goes to the common room. Anna. Ulfah, Imam, and Arifin are trying to light the fire. There is a lot of smoke and they all have black faces.) Oh!
Arifin : Sorry.
Mrs. Fauji : Oh no! (There is a knock at the front door.)
Ulfah : Mother!
(Mr. Fauji opens the front door. Mrs. Indah is outside. Ulfah comes downstairs.) Mother!
Mrs. Indah : Ulfahh ! ( Mrs. Indah sees Ulfah’s black face.) Oh! My poor child!

The example of Conversation

Alfi’s Father
Fauji, Imamul and arifin are having their breakfast. Alfi comes into the room. He is holding a letter.
Alfi : Hello, everybody.
Arifin : Helo.
Imamul : There’s a letter for you – Oh,you’ve got it.
Alfi : Yes, thanks, Imamul. The letter which is from my father, comes from Soreang.
Fauji : I can never read my father’s letters.
Imamul : Why’s that, Fauji?
Fauji ; He is a doctor. His writing is terrible.
Alfi: Your father’s a doctor?
Fauji : Yes. My father who works as a doctor, writes something complicatedly.
Imamul : What’s your father, Arifin?
Arifin : He’s got a shop. He sells newspapers, magazines, books, sweets, ices—everything.
Imamul : Is it a big shop?
Arifin : The shop that is managed by my father include three assistants.
Alfi : Three assistants?
Fauji : What’s your father, Imamul?
Imamul : He works in an office.
Alfi : Has he got a secretary?
Imamul : Two secretaries, I think.
Alfi : Two secretaries! Hmm.
Imamul : What’s your father’s job, Alfi?
Alfi : He’s… er… he’s a builder.
Arifin : A builder?
Imamul : Has he got a big office?
Alfi : Yes, of course ! Two offices ! He’s coming to Bandung.
Imamul : We can meet him.
Alfi : No ! I mean… yes. (Miserably) Yes. You can meet him on Saturday when he is here
(On Saturday Mr Agus is putting a new carpet on the floor.)
Mrs. Agus : Oh, that is nice !
Mr. Agus: Yes ! All right, eh? There. I’ll close the door, and you can see it properly.
Mrs. Agus : It’s very good. But can I go out now?
Mr. Agus : Oh, yes. Of course you can. (He tries to open the door.) Oh…
Mrs. Agus : Oh dear. Can’t you open the door?
Mr. Agus : Of course I can. Just a minute—
Mrs. Agus : No ! Careful !
Mr.Agus : But we can’t get out !
Mrs. Agus : The carpet…
Mr. Agus : The carpet !
Mrs. Agus : Yes. You can take it away and then we can get out.
Mr. Agus : Take it away ! But… Oh, all right.
(He pulls up the carpet and opens the door.)
Mrs. Agus : Thank you.
Mr. Agus : That’s all right.
(Upstairs Alfi goes into the common room.)
Imamul : Hello, Alfi. (Alfi switches off the record player.) Hey you can’t do that.
Alfi : Oh yes I can. It’s Saturday. Go out. Go to a dance, or the pictures. Do something.
Imamul : I am doing something which someone in the world likes too, thank you ! I’m listening to music.
(She starts the record player again.)
Alfi : Fauji! You can’t paint there !
Fauji : Oh yes I can.
Arifin : What’s the matter, Alfi?
Alfi : Arifin ! What are you doing?
Arifin : I mend my clothes which is broken.
Alfi : Can’t you take them to your room?
Arifin : No. I’ve got all my things here.
(Downstairs, in the hall…)
Mrs. Agus : What are you doing now, Agus ?
Mr. Agus : I’m taking the door off, of course. Help ! It’s falling !
(The doorbell rings. Mrs Agus answer it.)
Mrs. Agus : Oh ! Good evening !
Mr. Joko : Evening ! Mrs. Agus?
Mrs. Agus : Yes…?
Mr. Agus : (The door is falling over.) Can someone please help me !)
(Mr. Joko comes into the hall. He holds the door up.)
Mr. Joko : Okay. Have you got a screw driver ?
Mr. Agus : Yes.
Mr. Joko : Put it under there.
Mr. Agus : Thank you, Mr.—er-- ?
Mr. Joko : Joko. How do you do? I’m Alfi’s father.


Who is in the bathroom?
It is a weekday morning. Downstair Mrs. Faujiah is asking Mr. Fauji what he wants for breakfast.
Mrs. Faujiah : Fauji. Do you want an egg for breakfast?
Mr. Fauji : I want the newspaper and a cup of coffea .
Mrs. Faujiah : Or cornflakes?
Mr. Fauji : Where is it?
Mrs. Faujiah : Or toast?
Mr. Fauji : Faujiah, where’s the newspaper?
Mrs. Faujiah : I don’t know.
Mr. Fauji : Oh.
Mrs. Faujiah : Fauji ! Do you want an egg, cornflakes or toast?
Mr. Fauji : (He looks vague.) Yes. That’s a very good idea.
(Upstairs Imam is waiting outside the bathroom. The door is shut and he can’t get in. Then Ulfah comes along.)
Ulfah : Oh! Hello.
Imam : Hello, Ulfah. Do you want a bath?
Ulfah : Yes. Who is in the bathroom?
Imam : I don’t know.
Ulfah : Is it Ted?
Imam : I don’t think so. He’s running at this time, usually.
Ulfah : Oh yes.
Imam : if it isn’t Ted, it’s Anna.
Ulfah : Why don’t you knock on the door and ask?
Imam : Me?
Ulfah : Yes. It’s late.
Imam : Oh, all right. ( He knocks on the door.) Ann?
Anna : (She speaks from behind them.) : Hello?
Imam : It’s  late.
Anna : Yes, it is.
(Imam and Ulfah turn round and see Anna in her uniform.)
Ulfah : Oh! You’re there. You’re not in the bathromm.
Anna : No. what’s the matter?
Ulfah : Someone’s in the bathroom.
Imam : Ted !
Ulfah : I suppose so.
Anna : Doesn’t Ted go out running?
Imam : Yes, he does. But he can’t be running this morning. (He knocks on the door.) Ted!
Anna : Do you think he’s all right?
Imam : I hope so.
Anna : Let me knock. (She knocks on the door.) There’s something the matter !
Ulfah : Yes, there is.
Imam : Stand back…
Anna : Be careful !
Imam : It’s all right. I’m good at opening doors. One…two…three…now! (He runs at the door.) Ouch !
Ulfah : (Laughing.) Oh, Mark!
Anna : Are you hurt? Let me see ! Don’t move Imam. Careful.
(Mr. fauji comes along)
Mr. Fauji : What’s the matter?
Ulfah : Mark is hurt.
Imam : It doesn’t matter. I’m all right.
Anna : Ted’s in the bathroom.
Ulfah : yes, maybe he is in the bathroom But he doesn’t answer.
Anna : We can’t hear him at all.
Mr. Fauji : That’s strange and terrible. (He looks through the keyhole.) Ted! Can you hear me?
Anna : Can you hear anything?
Mr. Fauji : I can hear you talking.
Anna : Oh, sorry.
(Ted comes into the house. He comes up the stairs and stands behind them. Ulfah sees him first.)
Ulfah : Ted!
Imam : Sh! Don’t talk.
Ulfah : But he’s here.
Ted : What’s the matter?  (The others look round.)
Mr. Fauji : Ted!
Imam : You are not in the bathroom .
Ted : Of course I’m not in the bathroom. I’m here.
Ulfah : what?. Now you are here But I don’t understand. If Ted is here. Who is in the bathroom now ?

dasar-dasar bahasa Tanzania

Bahasa Kishwahili adalah bahasa Tanzania. Bahasa ini masuk juga dalam bahasa bantu; termasuk juga bahasa isixhosa, bahasa isizulu, ndebele, kinyarwanda yang memiliki "cliks sounds"
Memiliki vokal yang sama dalam bahasa indonesia; A,I,U,E,O
,dengan memiliki konsonan2 yg berbeda dgn bahasa indonesia yakni:
Ch: dibaca " Ch" seperti dalam "Chacha" dengan ada hembusan udara dari tenggorokan.
Dh: dibaca "Dh" dengan ada hembusan juga seperti dalam "dhuafa"
Sh: dibaca "Sh" dengan ada hembusan seperti dalam kata "Sholat"
Th: dibaca "Th" sama dengan diatas seperti dalam kata "Thagut"
Gh: dibaca "grh" dalam bahasa perancis "R"/suara retroflex
Ng: dibaca " Ngg" seperti dalam kata" mengganjal"
Verb dalam bahasa Tanzania tergantung pada imbuhan:
-Ta- kata kerja future
-Na-kata kerja present -Me-kata kerja lampau
-Li-kata kerja perfect
Jika kau mau menghapal keterangan kata kerja buat sebuah kalimat kemudian dihapal ini metode saya "Tadi Nani Membeli Lidi"
"Mwalimu a-na-sema kiswahili"
"Guru itu berbicara bahasa Kiswahili"
Penjelasan: a- adalah subjek penjelas dari" Mwalimu/guru"
-Na- adalah keterangan waktu present tense
-Sema- adalah kata kerja yg terbentuk dari infinitif"Ku-sema"
Kiswahili adalah objeknya.
Untuk aturan kata benda terbagi menjadi dua yaitu kata benda animate/ bernyawa dan kata benda yg tak bernyawa.
Untuk kata benda yg bernyawa memiliki satu aturan:
1. (Mu, Yu,A) untuk singular dan (wa,wa) untuk kata benda yang jamak
Mu= menerangkan adjective dan kata benda
Yu= Menerangkan demonstrative/ kata petunjuk
A=menerangkan kata kerja
Contoh: "Mwanafunzi mzuri yule alisoma kitabu"
"Murid yg baik itu membaca sebuah buku (lampau)"

Wa= menerangkan adjective dan kata benda

Wa=menerangkan kata penunjuk (ini,itu) dan kata kerja


"Walimu wale wanatoka Soreang"

"Para guru itu berasal dari Soreang"

untuk kata benda yang tak bernyawa memiliki tiga aturan yaitu:

1. (Mu,u) untuk singular dan (Mi,i) Untuk kata benda yang jamak

Mu=menerangkan adjective dan kata benda

U=menerangkan kata kerja dan kata penunjuk (ini,itu)


"Mfuko Mdogo Ule Unatoka Soreang"

"Kantong besar itu berasal dari kota Soreang"

Mi=menerangkan adjective dan kata benda

I=menerangkan kata kerja dan kata penunjuk


"Mifuko Midogo Ile Inatoka Soreang"

"Kantong-Kantong besar itu berasal dari kota soreang"


Thursday, October 13, 2016

IJAZAH SMA dalam bahasa Inggris




The undersigned, The headmaster of Senior High School………………………………………………………………………State 1 Soreang Bandung Regency………………………………………………………………………………..explained that:
Name                                                                             :  FAUJI IMAMUL ARIFIN
Place and date of birth                                                    :  Bandung, 8 April 1996
Name of parent                                                              :  Drs. AgusRahman
Registration number of national student                           :  9964
Registration number of national test                                 :
Origin school                                                                 :  SMAN 1 SOREANG

from the educational unit based on the result of the National Test and School Test and in compliance all the criteria in accordance with statutory regulations.

                                                                                           Bandung, 20-05-2014

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TotongSyamsudin, S.Pd, M.Si

》》》Baca Juga : Ijazah Kuliah Dalam Bahasa Inggris

 DN-02 Ma 0034880
Natural Science Program
Name                                                     :  FAUJI IMAMUL ARIFIN
Place and date of birth                            :  Bandung, 8 April 1996
National Registration number                  : 9964815328
National Student Registration                  :

1)       Report Average Score= Semester Score Average 3,4, and 5; for school using Credit Semester system of Report  Average Score is the Average of the semester 1 to 5
2)       School Score= 70% Report Average Score + 30%  School Test Score
3)       Addition Subjects decided through Governor Decision Letter
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Bandung, 20-05-2014


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